Author: Zef Hemel

  • Jane Jacobs again

    Read in OECD Territorial Review of the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam-The Hague (2016): With the financial support of the Ministry of Interior Affairs in The Hague, the OECD published a report on the regional economy of the two Dutch neighboring cities Rotterdam and The Hague. It’s worth reading, especially for the students  following my course on…

  • Spatial horror scenario’s

    Experienced by driving on 24 March 2015:   Got a phone call of a researcher. She wanted to know my opinion on a campaign Amsterdam Citymarketing is starting to bring tourists to unknown neigborhoods in Amsterdam. They’re aiming at relieving the pressure on the inner city with all its museums, theatres, shops and hotels. People…

  • 17 million, at last

    Read in the Dutch newspapers today: We Dutch expected to reach a population of 20 million in the year 2000, we only got 17 million in 2016. Today, nr. 17.000.000 is welcomed. Still, people do think this country is crowded. True, all over the Netherlands commuters are stuck in heavy traffic jams, and by building…

  • Elephant Cities

    Read in ‘Cities and the Wealth of Nations’ (1984) of Jane Jacobs: At the Pakhuis de Zwijger meeting of last Friday, Nikki Brand and Jaap-Evert Abrahamse criticized my ‘plan’ for doubling the size of Amsterdam. Sure, I have to admit, I did not respond to their anxiety Amsterdam will turn into an ‘elephant city’ by…

  • Local Autonomy

    Read in The Economist of 12 March 2016:   This week I had to defend myself at the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment at the session on the future of the Dutch system of physical investment programming (MIRT). They asked three collegues to give their view on the new programming, which we did. I…

  • Winners and losers

    Read in ‘De verdeelde triomf’’ (2016) of Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving: The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in The Hague published its yearly spatial report last week. This year’s theme is urban inequality and justice: when economic inequality between cities and between cities and regions is growing, is it good or bad? The title of the…

  • Capital of the Internet

    Read in FD Morgen of 5 March 2016:   Its special last weekend on innovation, leadership and technology ‘Morgen’ was on ‘Cooling down’. Het Financieele Dagblad published a beautiful map on page 6 and 7 of its special which showed all the datacenters in the Netherlands as gleaming stars. According to the journalist, Bob de…

  • Genius

    Read in ‘De wereld van gisteren’ (1944) of Stefan Zweig:   His ‘Die Welt von Gestern’ was published in 1944, the book was translated in Dutch bij Willem van Toorn in 1990, I read it only last week. A great book it is! On 22 Februari 1942 the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig and his wife…

  • The prestige of a system

    Read in ‘Capital. The Eruption of Delhi’ (2015) of Rana Dasgupta: What is happening in Haryana, India, at this very moment, is quite alarming. You should read the last chapter of Dasgupta’s great book on Delhi. I’ll explain. The farmers in this Indian state are revolting, the riots of the Jat community are political and…

  • Let’s suburbanize!

    Read in The Guardian of 9 February 2016: While the Dutch newspapers reported that people are leaving the Dutch cities again (‘Meer mensen verlaten de grote steden’, in NRC Handelblad), thus suggesting the revival of suburbanization, the city center of Amsterdam is coping with the biggest crowds on its streets in history. Crowd management is…