Category: participatie

  • Van onderop, maar gescheiden

    Gehoord op de Universiteit van Amsterdam op 13 maart 2017:   Wat de planning van Istanbul betreft, verwees historicus Hans Luiten in zijn gastcollege aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam naar het unieke mahalle-systeem dat de Turken na de verovering van Constantinopel in 1453 binnen de Romeinse vestingmuren instelden. Mahalles betroffen kleine woonbuurten van maximaal 2.000…

  • Olympic Tokyo

    Gelezen in The Guardian van 1 september 2016:

  • At the Edge

    Gelezen in ‘Bogotá at the edge’ (2004) van Matias Sendoa Echanove: Bogotá, Colombia, telt ruim 7 miljoen inwoners en groeit onverminderd door, al decennia mede vanwege de vele onlusten in de binnenlanden. Onlangs werd ik gevraagd om de stad te adviseren. Het structuurplan dateert van 2000 en werd in 2003 herzien. In 2013 werden nieuwe…

  • Metropolitan governance issues

    Read in of 29 April 2016: foto: Lex Banning This week, some ninety students Urban Studies at the University of Amsterdam will finalize their course on Cities in Transition by passing their exams. Six weeks long they have studied urban transitions in Moscow, Istanbul, Seoul, Toronto, and Amsterdam, all related to globalisation ànd regionalisation.…

  • Dream your own future

    To be visited from 12 April till 3 July 2016 in the Public Library Amsterdam: On Tuesday 12 April 2016, the People’s Industry Palace (Paleis voor Volksvlijt) in the Public Library of Amsterdam will open its doors. Twelve weeks long, citizens, young and old, from different backgrounds, from all neigborhoods and neighboring cities, can visit…

  • Witte plannen

    Gelezen op scholieren-com van 7 april 2000:   In de vorm van ‘witte plannen’ bood het Amsterdamse provo, opgericht op 25 mei 1965, allerlei speelse oplossingen voor grootstedelijke vraagstukken. Het Witte Fietsenplan uit zomer 1965 is de bekendste: om het autoverkeer uit de binnenstad te weren wilden de jongeren 20.000 witgeschilderde openbare fietsen plaatsen, vrij…

  • Looking backward

    Heard in Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, on 27 October 2015: The 740th anniversary of Amsterdam was celebrated this year in Pakhuis de Zwijger, on 27 October. Another ten years to go. Then the city will celebrate its 750 anniversary. What should we add to the city? What’s still missing? A selection of speakers was asked…

  • Out of control

    Heard in Boston City Hall on 22 October 2015: Leaving Penn Station early in the morning, I took de Amtrack train from New York City to Boston, Massachusetts. There I would meet some people at City Hall, to discuss the planning of the city-region. Boston – a city of some 640.000 inhabitants – is preparing…

  • People’s minds & stories

    Read in ‘The Power of Identity’ (1997) of Manuel Castells:   Is our personal identity changing in a globalizing world? Will it become ‘unlimited’? The symposium of the Veer Stichting (Veer Foundation) in Leiden (Leyden), the Netherlands, on 15 and 16 October 2015 was on ‘Unlimited Identity’. Speakers like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ahmed Aboutaleb, Jang…

  • Soft Bijlmer

    Heard in Amsterdam Southeast on 8 June 2015:   The fourth guest lecture in the urban planning studio on Paasheuvelweg, organized by the University of Amsterdam, was given by Augusto de Campos Neto. Augusto coordinates safety issues in the Southeast district of Amsterdam. His Bijlmermeer area, with a dominant Afro-Caribean population, has a bad reputation…