Darwin over vrijheid

Gelezen in ‘Autobiographies’ van Charles Darwin (2002, Penguin classics):

Nu ik toch de autobiografische aantekeningen van Charles Darwin uit de kast heb getrokken, valt mijn oog op een artikel uit 1879, getiteld ‘Religious belief”. De oude Darwin overpeinst daarin zijn moeilijke verhouding tot het christelijke geloof. Zijn houding is genuanceerd, humaan en eigenlijk heel modern. Maar wel meedogenloos: "There seems to be no more design in the variability of organic beings and in the action of natural selection, than in the course which the wind blows."

Ronduit mooi, hoopvol en humaan vond ik zijn interpretatie van het verschijnsel van natuurlijke selectie, zeker ten aanzien van de mens. "Now an animal may be led to pursue that course of action which is the most beneficial to the species by suffering, such as pain, hunger, thirst, and fear – or by pleasure, as in eating and drinking and in the propagation of the species &c. or by both means combined, as in the search for food. But pain and suffering of any kind, if long continued, causes depression and lessens the power of action; yet is well adapted to make a creature guard itself against any great or sudden evil. Pleasurable sensations, on the other hand, may be long continued without any depressing effect; on the contrary they stimulate the whole system to increase action. Hence it has come to pass that most or all sentient beings have been developed in such a manner through natural selection, that pleasurable sensations serve as their habitual guides. We see this in the pleasure from exertion, even occasionally from great exertion of the body or the mind, – in the pleasure of our daily meals, and especially in the pleasure derived from sociability and from loving our families."

Dat er veel leed is in de wereld, betwijfelt Darwin niet. Maar plezier en genot zijn zeker zo belangrijk in het overleven en aanpassen van de mens aan zijn omgeving. Sterker, hoe meer plezier mensen met elkaar hebben, hoe groter hun kans op overleven. Aldus Darwin.





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