Tag: beijing
Hoe China uit elkaar valt
Gelezen in The Economist van 23 september 2017: Bron: Cybergeo Hoe hard de bevolking in perifere regio´s kan krimpen, daarover berichtte eind vorige maand het Britse The Economist. In ‘Ups and Downs’ schreef ze over hoe het reusachtige China kampt met snel toenemende bevolkingskrimp. Gedeeltelijk is dit de erfenis van de eenkindpolitiek, deels komt het…
Look east
Read in ‘Ghost Cities of China’ (2015) of Wade Shepard: People are complaining about the steeply rising housing prices in Amsterdam. They know it’s nothing compared to cities like London, New York City and even San Francisco, which are much worse. Do they know that housing prices in the Chinese cities are the highest…
Read in ‘Ghost Cities of China’ (2015) of Wade Shepard: Tomorrow I will give my yearly lecture in the bachelor study course ‘Perspectives on Amsterdam’ at the University of Amsterdam, theme: Political Economy. This time I will focus on the Zuidas (Southaxis) project, the new CBD of Amsterdam. Will it be successful? How much…
Asian style
Read in China Digital Times of 26 June 2014: What the Russians are trying to do in and around Greater Moscow (17 million inhabitants), the Chinese are doing even on a grander scale with Beijing (22 million inhabitants): building an Asian megalopolis. I remember the session in the Intercontinental Hotel in Moscow in April…