Category: boeken
De toekomst van de stad
Boekpresentatie op dinsdag 27 september 0m 17.00 uur in Spui 25 te Amsterdam: In zijn nieuwe boek ‘De toekomst van de stad’ pleit planoloog Zef Hemel voor de groei van steden en probeert hij de angst voor metropoolvorming en megasteden weg te nemen. Hemel ziet steden als natuurlijke organismen die volgens eigen wetmatigheden groeien. Hij…
Optimistische eeuw
Gelezen tijdens de zomervakantie van 2016: Vijf boeken gelezen deze vakantie, waaronder Moby-Dick van Herman Melville (een boek dat na 160 jaar nog altijd zeer de moeite waard is) en ‘Het zwarte boek’ van Ohran Pamuk uit 1990; twee boeken sprongen er echter uit: ‘De begraafplaats van Praag’ (2011) van Umberto Eco en ’The…
A city to be made
Read in ‘Capital. The Eruption of Delhi’ (2014) of Rana Dasgupta: Great portrait of Delhi, India, that I’m reading. The writer is Rana Dasgupta, originally from New York, but now living in the Indian capital. It’s his first nonfiction book, but sometimes I’m not sure. At least it’s a personal quest for the soul of…
Filling in the blanks
Read in ‘Ghost cities of China’ (2014) of Wade Shepard: So how does the story end? In ‘Ghost Cities of China’, the New York based writer Wade Shepard tells ‘the story of cities without people in the world’s most populated country’. “Between now and then, the country’s urban population will leap to over one…
The enemy is noise
Read in ‘There is simply too much to think about’ of Saul Bellow (2015): The first essay in the bulk of nonfiction of the great American novelist Saul Bellow, assembled in ‘There is simply too much to think about’, is called ‘Starting out in Chicago’. It’s about how the young man started writing novels…
Building debt
Read in NRC Handelsblad of 28 August 2015: Prime minister Li Keqiang of China is in a difficult political position. For more than seven weeks now the Chinese exchange is in a crisis. Li Keqiang, the Amsterdam based newspaper NRC Handelsblad reported, has an agenda of restructuring the Chinese economy, but will he succeed? …
Alternative models
Read in ‘Food and the City’ (2015) of Dorothee Imbert (editor): A new book about “the complex interrelationship between urbanization and food production” through time and space, in fourteen chapters. Great read. Dorothée Imbert, who holds a chair in landscape architecture at the Ohio State University, is editor. Dumbarton Oaks Trustees for Harvard University,…
Importance of a ping-pong table
Read this summer in London and on the beach: At the beginning of every summer, more or less round the month of July, correspondents and critics of newspapers and popular magazines always give personal lists of their favorite books. ‘These are the books I advise you to read.’ I love those lists. So that’s why…
Urban Sapiens
Read in ‘Sapiens’ (2015) by Yuval Noah Harari: Fascinating book. The Israeli world historian Yuval Noah Harari wrote a history of human beings that will thrill you when you read it. He explains how horrible the Agricultural Revolution really was for sheep, pigs, cows and chicken, and how disastrous industrial agriculture nowadays is. It is…
Gelezen in ‘A pattern language’ (1977) van Christopher Alexander: Ik geef toe, ik schiet weer vanuit mijn boekenkast. Overigens, tot mijn schuld moet ik bekennen dat ik het boek pas onlangs in New York kocht, terwijl het al dateert van 1977: Christopher Alexander’s ‘A pattern language’. Direct na aanschaf las ik het. Dat dan weer…