Weblog of Zef Hemel on regional planning

  • The enemy is noise

    Read in ‘There is simply too much to think about’ of Saul Bellow (2015):   The first essay in the bulk of nonfiction of the great American novelist Saul Bellow, assembled in ‘There is simply too much to think about’, is called ‘Starting out in Chicago’. It’s about how the young man started writing novels…

  • Strange, ironic

    Heard in the Volkshotel, Amsterdam, on 17 September 2015: Theme of the first Ruimtevolk College last week at the Volkshotel (People’s Hotel) in Amsterdam was ‘Foreign capital in the city’. Two professors of the University of Amsterdam, Ewald Engelen (financial geography) and me (urban planning), were asked to give a lecture on the subject. Engelen…

  • The city a superuniversity

    Read in ‘The Urban University and Its Identity’ (1998) of Herman van der Wusten (editor): Last week the masterclass New York 2015 opened with a lecture of Herman van der Wusten, retired professor political geography at the University of Amsterdam. Van der Wusten referred to a conference he had organized in the ‘90s in Amsterdam…

  • Insanely cool

    Read in de Volkskrant of 30 May 2015:   On 20 May 2015 Louise Fresco published her weekly column in the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. That day it was on the future of Europe. Fresco is an expert in food production and president of the board of Wageningen University. Her column was a letter to…

  • A wider world

    Seen in the Stedelijk Museum on 13 September 2015:   Enjoyed seeing ‘ZERO: Let Us Explore the Stars’ very much. The exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum is just great. At the time, when the young avant-garde artists from Düsseldorf, Heinz Mack and Otto Piene, dived with their Amsterdam friends  Henk Peeters, Jan Henderikse, Jan Schoonhoven…

  • Remote worker

    Read in Het Parool of 20 May 2015:   I was asked to give a lecture on open planning for a team of politicians from Bavaria, Germany. They were visiting Amsterdam, hoping to learn more about local policies on biking. After my speech on globalization, information technology and planning (!), the team would make a…

  • A new city

    Read in Het Parool of 22 july 2015: Globalization. What does it mean? It means a growth of 15 per cent of internet traffic on the Ams-IX internet node last year. Ams-IX, based in Amsterdam, is the biggest internet node in the world. It’s not a node exactly, because it consists of a network of…

  • Volksvlijt – uitnodiging voor 9 september 2015

    Heb jij ideeën of dromen over de stad van de toekomst? Wonen we anders dan nu en hoe ziet de nieuwe economie eruit? Hoe blijven we gezond in de metropoolregio Amsterdam? Wordt de stad nog groener? Hoe verplaatsen we ons in de toekomst en hoe zal ICT de stad veranderen? Kortom: wat vind jij waardevol?…

  • Impossible story

    Read in Het Parool of 15 August 2015:   The name: Mes Aynak. The old city is situated in Afghanistan. The remains of an old buddhist cloister were found here when the mining started in one of the biggest copper mines of the world. A Chinese firm – the China Mettallurgical Group Corporation – had…

  • Building debt

    Read in NRC Handelsblad of 28 August 2015:   Prime minister Li Keqiang of China is in a difficult political position. For more than seven weeks now the Chinese exchange is in a crisis. Li Keqiang, the Amsterdam based newspaper NRC Handelsblad reported, has an agenda of restructuring the Chinese economy, but will he succeed? …

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